Why Am I Giving You My $995 29 Days To Endless Free Leads Course For FREE?

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29 Days To Endless Free Leads

Here’s what’s inside each module:

Planning Your D.A.T.E. Strategy
You’ll never worry about where you should post again after we set up the D.A.T.E. Framework in your business, turning strangers into buyers.

The (D)iscovery Phase
How to generate content that brings you new potential clients from social media, every single day.

The (A)cquaintance Phase
You’ll be able to make sure the new people who discover you don’t disappear, and instead move quickly toward becoming a client or customer.

The (T)alking Phase
Nobody buys without a conversation (even if it’s with themselves), so you’ll learn how to join the conversation already happening in your potential client’s head.

The (E)nchanted Phase
Nothing is more frustrating than having someone find you, like you, research your offer and not buy, so in this module we’ll utilize basic psychology so your new leads become buyers.

Activating Endless Free Leads In your Business
Social media strategies are worthless unless you can keep up with them, so you’ll learn how to manage yours efficiently, even if you are a team of one.