YOU: I want organic social media leads that actually buy!
ME: Let’s do this.
Social Media has completely shifted (for the better!), and we can now quickly turn total strangers into clients, students and members
(without spending a single dollar on ads)
My name is Jerry Potter (yes it rhymes with the boy wizard ⚡️), and despite what marketing agenies and ad managers may tell you, organic growth on social media is stronger than ever!

As Featured In

The 6 Ways: A Show For Action Taking Entrepreneurs
6 Ways To Stay Ethical And Still Be Wildly Profitable with Anna Saucier
6 Ways To Stay Ethical And Still Be Wildly Profitable with Anna Saucier "My honest to God thought was like, oh, my God, I'm going to die." Ever been told to do something in your business that feels wrong? There are lots of marketing tactics that can feel unethical, so...
6 Ways Anyone Can Increase Their Camera Confidence with Pelpina Trip
6 Ways Anyone Can Increase Their Camera Confidence with Pelpina Trip"My honest to God thought was like, oh, my God, I'm going to die." Being on camera can be terrifying! But the people you think are great on camera probably started off scared. I'm excited to welcome...
6 Ways You Should Break The Social Media Rules with Chelsea Peitz
6 Ways You Should Break The Social Media Rules with Chelsea Peitz"My honest to God thought was like, oh, my God, I'm going to die." A lot of entrepreneurs I work with can't get going because they feel like they MUST do things a certain way. But a lot of the "social...
How much of your valuable time have you wasted trying to figure this out on your own?
How many potential customers are you missing out on because they don’t see your posts?
How much money have you lost because your company is getting buried among the 10,000 brand messages each consumer sees every single day?
Without a strong plan your business will never have the impact it could, and you’ll continue to miss out on life’s most important moments because you’re always playing catchup with your Social Media.

How Would You Like To Make $17,000 From One Post?
Michelle Tayler enrolled in our program and using what she learned, she placed one strategic post in a Facebook Group.
That post led directly to $1,495/month in new revenue for her, which equals $17,940 year!

You don’t have 40 hours a week to run your social media, right? I don’t either, so I found a better way.
My name is Jerry Potter, and I want to teach you how to have powerful social media by building a strategy that doesn’t require 24/7 hustle.
And you can do it without a big team, a big budget, or having to post every day!