Join Me At Social Media Marketing World 2024!

by | Nov 8, 2023 | Marketing, Social Media

A dream of mine is coming true in February – I’ve been invited to speak on stage at the biggest social media conference in the world…

Social Media Marketing World.

And the organizers have asked me to invite anyone I know that wants to learn more about content and marketing, and if you’re reading this I’m guessing that’s you!

This is truly a world class conference:

  • The speakers are really accessible
  • Nobody sells from stage – they just give pure value
  • Whenever I attend I meet some of the most amazing people from around the world.

I could go on and on, but I’d rather you click the button below to see who else will be there, and if it’s a good fit grab your ticket now. The prices go up the closer we get to the event.

That is a referral link – if you sign up using it I’ll get a small commission (at no cost to you), and I’d much rather invest that back into a great experience for both of us.

So if people sign up using my link, we’ll plan a special gathering together while we’re in San Diego – my treat. Just forward your receipt to

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